Teach & Learn
AI & web3 easily.

Teach & Learn
AI & web3 easily.

Teach & Learn
AI & web3 easily.

The Vault is where you can learn.
Or spread knowledge. And get rewarded.

The Vault is where you can learn.
Or spread knowledge. And get rewarded.

The Vault is where you can learn.
Or spread knowledge. And get rewarded.

The Vault replaces:

We know what you need to learn…

Would you like to learn faster, without wasting time? Or pay in cryptocurrencies & generate more income?

That’s when The Vault comes in.

We know what you need to learn…

Would you like to learn faster, without wasting time?

Or pay in cryptocurrencies & generate more income?

That’s when The Vault comes in.

We know what you need to learn…

Would you like to learn faster, without wasting time? Or pay in cryptocurrencies & generate more income?

That’s when The Vault comes in.

How it works

How can I learn on the platform?

Discover lessons

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Add it to your dashboard

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Learn in 10 minutes

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We connect content creators
with their community.

Create lessons

Upload easily your content in 10 minutes, with Pi, our AI assistant.

Get paid in cryptocurrency

Pay in crypto

We added a connect wallet, for web3 degen. For now, only ETH & SOL accepted.

Edit your profile

Customize it to get more followers. Show your best contents on AI & web3.

Link your socials

Expand your network and grow your audience.

N°1 AI Udemy

Exclusive content

Discover the best content creators in AI & web3.


The community loves
our platform.



As I loved the Alpha. I'm already building my Web3 lessons.
I can’t wait the opening of The Vault to start learning AI skills I wish I have!



The app is looking great. Really simple to use. I also created a quick course and that was nice and simple as well.

Florian C.


I've got so many ideas for mini-courses to do with educational videos generated by AI from A to Z, can't wait to discover what's next!


Still hesitating? We've got the answers.

Still hesitating?
We've got the answers.

Can I try The Vault for free?

Yes! You can browse all lessons and whenever you feel ready, get your tokens and start to learn.

Why is it a microlearning education platform?

Can I become a teacher?

How to build my own audience?

How can I change credits into cash?

How to get support?

Still have more questions? Join our Community.

Enter the future of education, now.

Teach and learn anything in AI & web3

Teach and learn anything in AI & web3